Sincerely Yours, How to Write and Speak Authentically

From Issue 3 ” The Power Writer’s Manual” 

by: Kristi L. Jackson, Founder

We have such sterilized, neutered, basic conversations that we easily blend into the crowd. But who wants to blend? It’s 2012. Blending is for suckers or at least companies who don’t want to stay in business long. Authenticity, though sometimes ugly, truth wrapped in sandpaper information, if filled with an educated, thoughtful opinion, it’s the most accepted way to communicate through your writing, speaking and business. 

In the day of Twitter, Facebook, and several other forms of social media, your bad mouth or unpopular words can go viral in seconds and you can’t take them back. But there’s a way to genuinely connect with your target audience. There’s a way to find your tribe-those people in the world who can only be motivated by YOU. Haven’t met your authentic voice? Below are 5 strategies to discover her. 

5 Strategies to Discover Your Authentic Voice

  1. Let it burn.  Make a list of ALL of the people you’re worried about judging you if they knew your true thoughts. Next to their name, write how they directly benefit you, your business or your life……..coming up short? Exactly. After making this long list of nobodies…… BURN IT! Next step….
  2. Trot out the journal. Yep, that collection of your most intimate, personal thoughts. There was a time I wondered why my journal was so interesting but my writing was less than exciting. Reason was, I was writing the article minus me. I would write, then censor, then re-read, then judge, then try to sound important, then regurgitate other people’s stuff I’d read. I found that when I felt no one could judge me, I would produce the most beautiful thoughts, opinions and perspectives on life and my passions. The same way you write when you think no one’s looking-that’s your voice. That’s authentic. Find a way to write and speak in your journal voice without fear of judgement. Wouldn’t you rather be judged for who you are than loved for who you’re not? 

3. Don’t perpetrate. Know something-say it. Don’t know something-don’t hide it. Simple. Don’t hide behind fancy facts. Learn how to ask questions. People respond better to a genuine request for information rather than an opinionated wrong know it all.

4. Speak from your heart. Speak from your own experiences, not what you’ve read. Relate it to your audience;

  • How you did it
  • What it took for you to accomplish a goal
  • How you got your first client
  • How you execute your successful social media plan
  • How your self-evaluation qualifies you to consult someone else

Tell your story. Let your OWN life be your guide.  

5. Find your true perspective. Don’t try to write and speak in someone else’s voice or style. I am by no means saying not to get educated on writing copy or speaking professionally. I am telling you to find your style in both areas. Have a sense of humor- then tell a joke or two. Really opinionated about a sensitive subject-state it intelligently. Because nothing is really new, everything has already been said. So what becomes important is how you say what you say. Learn what your perspective is, then speak on it. Many people do not care for Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View, but she’s intelligent, her job is solid and guess what…..she’s not boring. 

Trying to be a carbon copy of someone else brands them not you. Do you want to be a follower in their tribe or find your own? There’s a group of people out there who want to learn, follow and work with you. Find your authentic voice, then your tribe will appear. 



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