Discovery Calls are 30 Minute Opportunities for you to pick my brain, to ask me ALL of those questions that you have on your business or obstacles. Note: Discovery Calls are not coaching sessions.
The Monthly Mentorship is an active community of current and aspiring coaches and service professionals who share resources, tools, advice and get daily feedback on their businesses from me.
An Intense, Comprehensive + High Impact Group Business Training Covering Business Strategy, Marketing, Speaking, Proposals, Book Writing + Sales Strategy. Masterminds are held 2-3 Times Per Year.
Private coaching is the most intense and accelerated program that you can get with me. I work with you hand and hand to create the plan for your business initiatives, marketing plan, product creation goals, and money + sales strategies. I also help you create your team to consistently maintain and grow your business.
This option is BEST for someone who wants regular, monthly access to me to follow up my 2 month coaching program, or simply check in monthly and ask questions, get feedback on work, on-going projects etc. This is a maintenance for what we've already built. If we haven't worked together yet and put together your business structure, marketing plan or sales strategy, this won't be a fit for you.