24 Ways to Focus the Social Media Struggle…. Add Strategy

Not only in 2013, do we have so many tools at our fingertips, but the majority of these tools- that are more than likely free or budget friendly, also come with analytics features that tell you EXACTLY what’s working and what’s not. You can then use these numbers to develop strategic marketing plans that share more of what your audience wants and in the channels and platforms that they find you or your business more often.

These numbers cannot and should not be ignored. Why not stop shooting in the dark and instead use the information available to you to have more specific aim and better results?

Using analytics, software and sites that let me know what’s working has truly improved:

  • how I market

  • how much time I spend marketing

  • helped me hone in on my niche

  • what people are saying about me and my company

  • what channels and platforms seem to bring in the most eyes to my blog and products

  • what social media platforms I should focus my time on

So here are some of the most useful analytics tools to keep your marketing, your business projections and strategy on track:


  1. Google Analytics ( of course, and here is an entire post on how to use it)

    1. Here’s the NEW Google Analytics Academy to really teach you every single thing you need to know to use this tool

  2. CrazyEgg: The site that’s giving Google Analytics a run for it’s money. Try both and determine which one fits your analytics needs best.

  3. Hootsuite: You can use this tool to not only schedule your social media and blog posts but to really understand and analyze who shared your posts and who’s mentioning you and your business.

  4. Social Mention: I check this site out at least once per week to see who’s been talking about me and Women CEO Project, if the information has been negative, positive, or neutral. This is one of my favorite tools because it combs Google and Bing and other large search platforms and gives you a really comprehensive output.

  5. DashThis: Pretty detailed and can be used as an all in one tool.

  6. Mention: Similar to Google Alerts. Create alerts on your company name, your projects, your events, and your products.

  7. VirtalHeat: Another all in one tool to measure your social media campaigns and marketing.

  8. Google Alerts: Put in keywords you want to monitor, then learn what words your audience is typing in to find out information on your particular subject or niche. Then make sure to use these keywords in your own blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media posts.

  9. MentionMap: Love tools that are visual. Know exactly who’s checking for you- in a pretty way.


Pinterest for Business by Women CEO Project

  1. PinLeague: This really let’s you know if what you’re doing on Pinterest is working, your average new followers a week, what boards are working best for you, and maybe where you could improve. Good info to have.

  2. Pinterest Web Analytics : I love this one. It really shows you why posting photos on Pinterest is not only smart marketing, it can be a strategic biz move.

Facebook         facebook logo

  1. Zumm: Use this to compare your Facebook pages and that of your competitors. Good tool.

  2. Facebook Search: Why not? Zuckerburg made something very useful for businesses to find out what folks are talking about on Facebook.

Twitter    twitter

  1. Backtweets: Know who’s sharing your links on Twitter.

  2. Tweetdeck: Schedule and analyze your tweets using this tool.

  3. Twitter Reach: Measure the success of any Twitter campaign.

  4. Tweetbeep: Know who’s using the keywords you’re interested in or your company/project/product name in their tweets.

  5. TweetCounter: Know your numbers on Twitter really quickly. How fast you’re growing, who your influencers are and who you influence.

  6. Tweet Alarm: Get email alerts when someone tweets your company name.

  7. ReTweet Rank: Not that pretty eh? But shows you how that Twitter campaign did and how influential you are on that platform.

  8. Plugg.io: Schedule, then analyze. Schedule, then analyze.

  9. Twitonomy: Want to lose 2 hours? Use this tools to get a pretty and comprehensive visual of everything that’s happening on your Twitter profile.

  10. Unfollow Me: Hey, sometimes we want to know who unfollowed us. Why not?


24. Youtube Keyword Tool : Youtube is one of the daily most visited websites in the world. Once you get your videos up there, find out what words to use to optimize them for success.


New Additions:





Nothing’s better than knowing exactly what you’re aiming for when you reach into your social media arsenal. Use these tools to add some focus and strategy while you’re creating, marketing, and increasing your expert status. Two more tools to totally rock your world… if you feel you want to take it a step further, check this out here and here to see if my skills are a good fit for your needs, and if you want something to read on your ipad that will jumpstart any strategy, creation, innovation and business planning session, download this here.

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