I learned something this weekend…. Creating a super ninja session on making sh*t happen, is the MOST effective way to create momentum, to bring clarity to the goals, to get really specific on our allocations and to finally move the ball in the right direction. Me and a group CEOs who had decided and claimed […]
Many times our business stress comes from lack of strategy, using leverage and our energy wisely, thinking things through or getting help where needed. For our 2014 to be successful, it requires us to focus more on what’s important, what brings us closer to our goals, makes us more profitable and, if possible, hits more […]
Money. Growth. Community.Connections. Mentorship We all want it. But how to get it? Do you know that absolutely no business, no matter how strong or intelligent its founder, can go about this entrepreneurial path alone? Behind some of the strongest and most powerful businesses in the world, are teams of committed, like-minded professionals […]
Ready for 2014 ? Starting or growing a business, breeds feelings of overwhelm… Which idea to follow first? What technology to use? Where to spend my limited funds? Where can I find an experienced mentor? Although your family and friends love you, if they’ve never started or tried to grow a business, they can’t quite understand […]
While working with many women ceo’s I’ve noticed that we’re always tired, seem unfocused, getting nowhere, stagnant and unsatisfied. We always working working working, always hustling, with absolutely no hustle plan. This gets us nowhere. This lack of focus mixed with fear feelings is the reason we created our upcoming Unleash Your Champion Virtual […]
In one sentence, Ms. Nichols is the best speaker I’ve EVER heard in my life. Yes, my life. I met Ms. Nichols in 2010 at a conference, before even starting Women CEO Project and totally fell in love with her message, her presence, and her business lessons. I heard her keynote the opening session of […]
You’ve been worried about money. You’re pretty overwhelmed with the amount of things you need to do to get your business off the ground and make some profit from it. You’ve been worrying about your readiness, your permission or lack there of. You’ve been wondering if now is the time to actually launch, to share […]
women ceo project
global business strategist + consultant
women ceo project
global business strategist + consultant