13 Pieces of Biz Advice from Kristi
- Be exclusive. Make your business and news share worthy. Solve a problem and knock it out of the park.
- Instead of giving away free products to capture contact information or grow your database, try offering them for low cost instead. Offering something for free is the best way to attract time-eaters and spend money on those unwilling to return the favor.
- Charge your worth, but be worth every penny you charge. Make sure that your meetings, conversations, proposals, emails and everything you do is as professional as possible.
- Once women get COMPLETELY comfortable with the fact that everyone is not going to like us when we are fulfilling our purpose, we can focus on what we do best. #focus
- Develop your own playlist, theme music, and brag box. Refer to these trinkets when you are feeling down and out and need to feel like you can make trees grow, and clouds spit snow.
- Develop a plan. Get out of the house. Make it work. Make your mistakes, then make corrections, but only come home with a future in your pocket.
- Internal motivation is the air and food to being a successful entrepreneur. Most days, you are solely responsible and the only one interested in the progression of your dream. It is imperative that you have the “hit me again “ gene, fierce determination, and enormous hustle…..

- A cheap mindset creates cheap results. Don’t ask that everything be free, only that it be fair.
- Sometimes it’s necessary to just quit complaining, quit crying, put your big girl panties on and get shit done.
- Make sure every nickel you throw out today comes back tomorrow dressed as a dime. Learn to how to get a return on your investment …..
- Your goals must be specific. Just saying you want to be healthier isn’t a goal. Healthier is just one less twinkie a month. You must be specific. You want to gain 4 new clients each month, you want to increase your income by 20k a year. You want to have 300 registered emails in your database. Focus and go deep. You must be specific to reach your goals.
- The should you get for free. The how requires an investment. Invest in yourself. Invest in your business. Invest in your future.
- In 2013, Take action on your ideas or stop talking about them!
I really want to challenge those women whom have become successful to reach out to someone that has a dream an idea but no direction..I often wandered why I personally give a away so much advice; only to realize what I have given helped another even when they don’t admit your words helped them launch something they have strived for. Is that a gift I have never new it though a funny thing is I can’t get my own shit off the ground for speaking my heart and to have an idea come to fruition by someoneelse, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT