So no, I’m not about to get all political on you with this post. But I want to make sure that we take a moment and understand why this government shutdown should teach us a valuable lesson.
I saw people today who work for NASA and other government agencies, walking around aimlessly, calling into NPR stations, and ranting all over Facebook.
I feel very bad for them. I actually don’t know what I’d do, if my livelihood was snatched up from understand for some policies that I don’t quite under me, and because some grown azz people cannot seem to get along.
But for those of you who have been saying you didn’t want to be controlled by a J.O.B. , you wanted to launch your business, you wanted to take your side hustle and make it your main piece today, should teach you a lot.
Most importantly, that you CANNOT and SHOULD NOT rely on someone else to plant seeds in your garden. Because at the end of the day, you are responsible for your living, for your home, your income and are the only person interested in making you wealthy.
This is a sour day. Folks are burning hot. But while you are upset ( and I do understand) you should focus, dig deep and start making some plans.
All that shucking and jiving seems fruitless now, and we really need to get on a plan to make sure that if something like this happens again, that you have extra money in place AND that you are possibly in a position to decide to leave that job or not.
Don’t get overwhelmed, when you’re mad, when you’re frustrated, being overwhelmed is right around the corner. But I want you to think of a few things to get started, to get motivated and move a few baby steps ahead:
Take out a piece of paper and draw 3 lines- making 3 columns.
In column 1, I want you to list the things you LOVE to do. Don’t censor yourself. Just list them freely.
Column 2, I want you to list the things that you are really good, to moderately well versed in ( be honest with yourself here) We will come back to the things you want to be good in-later
In column 3, make a list of the things that you can take from column 1 & 2, that if you worked hard and focused on, could make you money and possibly a business. So for example, C1:I love to shop, C2:I am great at coordinating professional looks, and C3: I feel I can make a profit from it.
Simple task but enormously reflective and thought provoking if you take it seriously.
Determine 1-3 things from that list-column 3, that are potential options for you to start a business in.
Now, list 10 things you’d need to do to get each of these 3 things off the ground. Pause, I don’t mean, overwhelm yourself here. I mean start from scratch. Like,
Spend this Saturday for 4 hours, with no Facebook, no phone, no Instagram, and read/research these options as a potential business.
who has done it
what are some of the opportunities if I do it
where can I potentially be innovative and set myself apart in this potential business
how much would it cost to get started ( not to go all the way- just STARTED)
who has or where is my audience
what platforms would reach them
What 3 people can I email to get information on these potential businesses? Do I already have their email address?
Pick one of them to pursue. Yep. From your research, decide on one business, and start making a plan to go for it.
Make a list of steps you need to take from the decision to actual launch- remembering to break down each step. For example, get my DBA, hire a web designer off Elance, set up a business, bank account, etc.
I want you to break down EACH task into baby tasks or mini projects. Not create a marketing plan, but instead, determine the components of my marketing plan, then write it out, then schedule it, then measure it. I want you to break down each task.
Next, I want you to do 3 of them before you go to bed tonight. YEP. Three. You’d be amazed at how motivated you will be by getting just 3 baby steps closer to your goal. So take them.
Next, I want you to keep going, BUT most importantly, set a date for your launch. Not a date a year from now, and probably not 6 months from now. EARLIER. Stop pushing it out further and further and scheduling time for more research. Being stuck in the research phase has you at home on government shutdown day with an attitude. Set a date, and keep taking steps incrementally to reach this goal.
Don’t go to bed each night, without taking some sort of movement or progress towards your goal. Just doing this will make you feel accomplished and can fit into any busy schedule.
- Keep GOING and Launch!
I know you probably think I made it sound easy, and it’s quite simple, but I know it isn’t easy-neither is sitting at home waiting for saving, salvation or the man.
Today is a lesson. A powerful one at that. If we keep giving our control to the man, we are at the will of their decisions and disagreements. At least if this happens again, we will know we had a chance to make it better and won’t be all over Facebook complaining OR we will already be 2 steps away from launching our new startup anyway and can make a decision.
If you need help focusing and refining your hustle plan, or a massive dose of encouragement from entrepreneurs who’ve taken the leap and lived to tell about it- join us here, while we still have space
Good luck and keep your head up!
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