15 Ways to Create Million Dollar Ideas

  1. Generate lots of ideas
  2. Fail. A lot.
  3. Consume information consciously.
  4. Focus on topics and ideas with large markets.
  5. Make sure there’s money in your market.
  6. Keep your eyes, ears, and mind wide open.
  7. Test variations of the same idea.
  8. Figure out what works well in one market and tailor it to another. Then put the pieces together.
  9. Spin a new twist on a previous breakthrough.
  10. Systematize a popular service into a reproducible product
  11. Design new products that support other successful products.
  12. Exploit the resources and skills you already have.
  13. Surround yourself with other thinkers
  14. Accept constructive criticism, but ignore naysayers
  15. Actually do something with your ideas!
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