A Day in the Life of an International Speaker : the United Kingdom Edition

A Day in the Life of an International Speaker : the United Kingdom Edition

People usually see only the finished product- the polished video, your awards and accolades.
No one sees you walking in the rain, cold, taking trains, suffering the worst case of jet lag ( over 33 hours awake) or what it can take to get hired, and to try and get your message and your thoughts across to an audience.
Then, to do it globally.
My last trip to London on May 28th was my most special.
I put out into the atmosphere last year that wanted to speak at an Ivy League school not knowing where or when that affirmation would come.
It came this year.
I’m really honored to have spoken at Cambridge University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world.
This short clip is the day of speaking, getting up at 4am, having to take an hour and 1/2 train, and travel in the elements…I decided to take you along with me.
I didn’t record Ghana, or South Africa from this year, but I hope this gives you a small glimpse of that travel entrepreneur life you’ve been thinking of reaching for 🙂

To see all of my speaking reels, go to womenceoproject.com/speaking 






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