CREATE MONTH!!! April 1-19th

Yep, for the next 19 days, we are CREATING ladies. We need people to hold us accountable, we need deadlines, and now we have both. Deadline is April 19th, and we will hold each other accountable. 

Those books, ebooks, classes, events, EVERYTHING you’ve been holding off on finishing- WE are finishing them together this month. Some ideas:

  • ebooks
  • White papers
  • Events
  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Proposals
  • You tell us what you will create!

Wealthy people create, poor people buy. We want to have a community of “creators” who:

  • Make passive income while they sleep
  • Have products to sell when they go to speak
  • Are teaching what they know and are making a profit from it
  • Are tired of sitting on their half done projects

In StartUP Marathon 13 on April 20th, Power Session 4 ” Digital Leverage Creation” will focus on just this particular thing. But I don’t want you to wait until then. 

As a community of forward thinking, progressive, highly intelligent, ambitious, no excuses business women, we can start NOW!!!

ANDDDDDD we are giving our biggest risk taker, our biggest creator, chosen randomly from our comments below, a PRIZE  including:

  • FREEEEEEEEE Admission to StartUP Marathon 13 with 4 POWER Sessions on April 20th ( Live or Virtual) 
  • 2 Books ” The Ultra Light Startup” and “CRUSH It!” 
  • ANDDDD a 1 Hour Consultation from ME! Kristi L. Jackson 

Tell us What You will Create & When You will Finish it! Everyday, every little accomplishment you make, I want you to drop it in the comments below. Nothing is too small for applause. We will be doing this TOGETHER, holding each other accountable, giving encouragement, and become a Community of CREATORS!!!!!


With Great Expectations,










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